
Sunday 13 January 2013

It's New Year!!

I haven't been very inspired lately. Although having said that I have done a bit of clearing of bush and cutting back some of the trees.  I've worked in the mornings only as we have had a heatwave in Western Australia.  I even planted some lettuce in a pretty wheelbarrow. Friends and family are still visiting and we are enjoying sharing the beauty of this place with everyone. BUT  I have to get myself into gear and get serious as in reality I need to be earning some sort of income.  The Professor is not working tomorrow and so we are starting the chicken coop. Grace the chicken has been free ranging of this side of the paddock and she's lonely since her friend Will died. (A female Will!) She has even tried kicking the screen door so I reckon she needs company.

There is a local farmers market here every fortnight and we went to it last week as church started later. There were some vegies of sale but I reckon we have a market there. The local stores have horrible vegetables on the shelves and are really expensive. So fingers crossed.

I've also had to keep unpacking boxes and keeping the house tidy. I can now understand my farming friends when they say the house comes last as the animals and crops come first. We only have a tiny spot to cultivate  and I still find that the housework gets behind.

I am loving not having to get up to work for someone else, although it was a nice enough place to work for, but I have my own dream and my own life to account for one day when I stand before my maker...Did I live to my full capacity? Did I make full use of the quota of oxygen I was assigned?? Weird things I think of.

Oh I also now know that this cottage was built in 1940. I thought it might be older but still good.

Until next time.......

Saturday 3 November 2012

Getting Started

Well here's the deal. Middle aged couple moving to a country town in Australia. Young at heart, enthusiastic and somewhat naive going to give vegie growing a go!! This blog will be more of a way for me to keep tabs on the progress of this journey. Anyone reading this feel free to comment and enjoy the ride with me.